How Do I obtain an application form?
An application form is available at ABC Magical World Preschool office on working weekdays during office hours.
What supplies do I need to send to school?
- Lunch box
- Backpack
- A container to be kept at school with a change of clothes
- A nap mat for quiet time (for extended day care program)
When will I be in charge of snack day?
Each family will have their name posted on the bulletin board in alphabetical order. On snack day, the family is asked to provide for the whole class.
May I come for an observation?
Yes. In fact, we welcome parents once in a month to observe their child in school.
What about children’s safety?
We have developed comprehensive policy for children’s safety. During working hours, the school doors are locked and guarded. Besides, no stranger is allowed around classrooms.

What Parents Say

Harasees’s Parents
• Satisfied with the activities and events with moral teaching • Personal attention is given to each and every kid • Overall very satisfied with school and staff

Yashvi’s Parents
We are very happy with the staff of ABC magical world. All events are very well organized. We feel proud on our choice for choosing the best Montessori Preschool in Ludhiana.